"My house and my children were no more"
29.04.2009 - 17.10.2020 (Orkhan Khalili)

11 years old

03.08.2014 - 17.10.2020 (Maryam Khalili)

6 years old

Suffering a bitter defeat on the battlefields of the 44-day-long Patriotic War ever since it started on 27 September, Armenians resorted to provocations.

They carried missile and rocket strikes on cities and villages of Azerbaijan, killing peaceful population far away from the frontline.

According to the General Prosecutor's Office, 93 non-combatants were killed and 454 wounded as a result of these Armenian missile and rocket strikes as of 16 November 2020.

There were also kids among these casualties.
Orkhan and Maryam Khalili
During the war, Armenian criminals launched several artillery and missile strikes on Azerbaijan's second largest city of Ganja, which sits far away from the frontline. The heaviest strike was launched on 17 October 2020. As rockets ripped through Javadkhan settlement in the center of Ganja at about 01:00 AM, 15 civilians were killed and 55 wounded. Among the casualties were 6 men, 4 women, and 6 little kids.

That attack claimed the lives of 12-year old Orkhan Khalili and his seven-year-old sister Maryam. The children's mother and female cousin died alongside them.

Orkhan and Maryam's grandfather Ramiz Gahramanov says he was sleeping when the missile hit:

"I went to sleep around 11. I was woken by a terrible sound of a blast. There was like 30 meters from the place where I slept and the ground zero. I made it from under the rubble and saw that my house and my children were no more.

Then journalists approached and started asking questions. Not sure what I told them, I was shell-shocked. I walked down barefoot, then neighbors bought me some footwear. The missile killed my daughter Khatira and her children Orkhan and Maryam, as well as my son's daughter Lyaman, the eldest granddaughter.

The grandfather says Orkhan and Maryam were very kind children.

"They were gentle and smart kids. They both were born in Sumgayit, Orkhan in 2009 and Maryam in 2014. They have lived with me since 2017. We lived a big family of 8 people, alternating between two houses. One of them was hit by the missile and the other was a two-story mansion where I was sleeping when it happened.

Orkhan wanted to follow in his other grandfather's footsteps and become a doctor. And Maryam was a little kid, a first-grader. The eldest granddaughter Lyaman wanted to ba a designed; she graduated from the school and applied for the university. She got enrolled, but her dreams were not fated to come true."

The grandfather blames himself for not granting Maryam's wish back then:

"Before I went to sleep, Maryam asked me to buy her some pomegranates. It was like 10 o'clock in the evening, and I said and it was late and I would buy pomegranates first thing in the morning. Then we would sit together a bit and have a dinner. The children would watch TV. I went to sleep after a while; not sure when they fell asleep. When I was leaving, they were still watching TV. And that awful tragedy happened when I was asleep."

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